Each training request is the subject to an interview, over the telephone, face to face or by email.
All our training is CUSTOMIZED, and identifying the need is our first step.
Each of our support and / or training proposals, a "Your request" section reformulates the identification according to your needs.
In the case of training in Blended Learning, a training agreement is annexed with the corresponding program and the following conditions are indicated:
- The prerequisites for following the training
- Goals
- The dates of training on request and at the convenience and organization of the client
- The duration
- The contents and the methods of implementation of the service and adapted to the defined objectives and to the beneficiaries
- Access terms and deadlines
- The average time observed is 30 days after the validation of the training agreement
- The methods used
- Technical, educational, and supervisory resources
In the case of training, or any other support is mentioned:
- The detailed program
- The rates
- Contacts ensuring the follow-up of the file and its animation
- Assessment modalities
Our services take place exclusively in intra-company, and our clients are exclusively classified tourism companies.
As such, the legislation relating to all establishments open to the public are respected.
For people with disabilities, the customer must notify us in advance.
A list of disability advisers is available on request in order to be able to welcome, support, train or guide people with disabilities.
Each service is subject to verification of the satisfaction and level of competence acquired by the trainees.
The sponsor is invited to share their comments through a satisfaction questionnaire.
Depending on the case, the trainee is verified by a satisfaction questionnaire adapted to the level of the training, and also by a formal exchange with the sponsor.
The methods for assessing the conformity of the service with the objectives are specified in the proposal.
They depend on the type of training.
- In the case of group training in a meeting room
- In the case of on-the-job training
- ("live field")
- Also, according to training topics Customer relationship, Management, Sales representative ...
For Mobile Learning, a self-assessment questionnaire is offered to the learner before each module.
The tool is kept in the client's file with the timesheet and the satisfaction questionnaire.